
     Apples are always stand high in esteem - you will be satiated, and you will compensate the shortage of vitamins.  Use their force for the benefit. 


     Apple - richest source of mineral substances (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, much iron) and vitamins (C, E, carotene, B1, B2, B6, PP, folic acid), moreover they are contained in this fruit in digestible form and in the combinations optimum for the organism.  Biologically active components of " paradisiacal fruit " are capable of decreasing the risk of atherosclerosis.  


     Biologically active bioactive substances, which are present in apples and apple juice, contribute to a decrease of cholesterol level in the blood (red wine has analogous properties).


     Apple juice strengthens cardiovascular system and it is recommended to people of mental work. If you will eat two antonovka apples per hour before the breakfast (in addition to usual ration), then  you have all chances to decrease risk of untimely death from the heart diseases to 20 %.  


     It is necessary to eat 48 kg of apples per annum, 40 %  of them you must intake as juices. Apple juice - antioxidant. 


     Here are some prescriptions of " apple beauty ":


     *   Callous areas of the skin can be rapidly softened, energetically massaging them by the piece of the purified apple during 2-3 minutes.


     *   Use apples, also, for eliminating the chaps on the heels:  cut apple into pieces, boil in a small quantity of milk until pulp is formed. Put it by thick layer on the region of chaps on the heels, cover with napkin and hold 30 minutes.


     *   Ointment from grated apples with the butter - good drug for the healing of scratches, labial fissures and nipple cracks. Folk medicine advises to wipe warts by fresh slice of apple 5-6 times a day during 3-4 weeks. 


     Seeds of apples contain much iodine, therefore these fruits must be eaten with stones. There is daily dose of necessary for organism iodine in 5-6 bones.   



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