Dried apricots

     The Chinese are growing apricot trees for the aromatic fruit of more than 5 thousand years. In Southern Europe apricot is grown only 2 thousand years. The Romans called Apricot Apricot as an Armenian apple. And all because western countries have learned about apricot thanks to the Armenian merchants. Dried apricots are often brought to us from Turkey and Tajikistan. Dried fruits can be with stone and pitted. To regale oneself with apricots in winter, breeders egested excellent kinds, intended specifically for drying. They have the same taste and healthy qualities as fresh apricots.


     Dietitians from time to time recommend to arrange fasting days and to eat only dried fruits. You can simply eat before the main meal a couple of dry apricot, add them to oatmeal. After all, they are very nourishing. However, and enough high-calorie (100 g of fresh apricot provides 44 kcal, and dried - 232 kcal). But all their calories come from carbohydrates, and sugar - are fructose and glucose. In addition - no fats and cholesterol! Although at the time of drying fruit inevitably loses vitamin C, it turns into a concentrate of potassium, carotene, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamin B5. Dried apricots has a number of very useful for health properties. They remove cholesterol from the body. Vitamin A (carotene), which is in dried apricots, is responsible for the formation of sex hormones. Diuretic effect of thick extracts and decoctions of dried apricots long been used in the integrated treatment of many diseases of cardiovascular system and kidneys. Dried apricots are very useful for people suffering from thyroid disease, diabetes. Dried apricots on their properties better than fresh apricot, as they open obstructions and relieve hard tumours. These natural "candy" are appointed to children with hypovitaminosis. Incidentally, there are many homeopathic drugs, comprising dried apricots. Like all concentrates, dried apricots should not be abused. Quantity of cellulose in apricot is increasing as a result of drying from 2 g to 18 g in 100 g of the product. Excessive consumption of dried apricots is fraught with stomach upset. Therefore, much wiser to learn to cook different dishes with dried apricots. Believe me, there are a lot of them.


     Let's start with "healthy" bread. If you put in sweet dough pieces of dried apricots, nuts and seeds, it will turn out tasty and original. 

     Dried apricots perfectly complement the taste of lettuce, if we combine them with other ingredients. For example, it is excellently combined with red meat, smoked foods, sweet leaves of salads, asparagus and citrus. In Moroccan cooking dried fruits are added to meat like spices, in the Armenian and Azerbaijani cuisines chicken and zander, stuffed with rice, are baked with dried fruits and nuts. The famous Uzbek pilau is cooked with figs, juicy dried apricots, raisins and walnuts. Sweet dishes with dried apricots are also very much. Pastries and cakes with filling of dried fruits, rice pudding and jelly ... Compote of dried fruits is also very delicious! 

     First of all, dried apricots should have a natural aspect of its dried state: matte, bullate, not perfectly transparent. If you want to dry apricots at home, it is best to profit by special industrial dryer. All vitamins, enzymes, trace substances and major mineral elements, as well as taste are preserved in dried fruit.

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