
     As is known, kefir - cultured milk food, kefir fungi play a principal role in its formation. They give a unique bracing flavor to the drink, profitably telling kefir from thick sour milk.


     The word "kefir" comes from the Arabic word "Kef", which means the condition of delight and comfort. Such a state of euphoria, when a person enjoys good food, excellent beverages or, for example, favorite music. The Arabs attributed kefir, in which there is a degree of alcohol, to such earthly joy.


     However, taken to believe that kefirnye fungi were not breeded by Arabs, but by Tibetan highlanders. Relocated to the mountains and dealt with cattle-breeding, they tried to ferment by koumiss yeast not mare's milk, as has been accepted, but cow's milk. This ferment, finding oneself in a new food solution, gradually changed and took on form, which is a kefir leaven has. 

     Incidentally, the North Caucasus Muslims considered that the kefir is a gift of God and conveyed his valuable dairy ferment from generation to generation, the recipe of cooking delicious cultured milk drink kept in strictest secrecy, which was disclosed only at the end of the XIX century. 

     Northern Caucasus highlanders cooked kefir in the most primitive way: they filled milk with ferment, into wineskin, tied it up and took out on the road near the house. Each one passed by according to established custom kicked this wineskin - thus the whole village was involved in "kefir preparation".

     Sometimes the ferment was not added to the wineskin. The reason is that it maintained any quantity of kefir fungi, successfully fermented in the new portion of milk. But this method was rather risky, because in unwashed wineskins harmful micro-organisms appeared. 

     Since 1905 kefir was began to produce by industrial way around the world. And in mid-XX century, it has been radically improved through further cultured milk foods enrichment with useful microorganisms, including bifidus bacteria. 

     Invisible bifidus bacteria bring tangible benefits to the body by controlling its many functions. During their vital activity, they form a unique organic acids, which normalize the work of intestine and hamper the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, bifidus bacteria take part in the synthesis and intake of vitamins group B, vitamin C, folic and nicotinic acids. They also promote the synthesis of essential amino acids, better assimilation of salts of calcium and vitamin D. An important function of bifidus bacteria is their participation in the overall strengthening of immunity. Thanks antianemic, antirachitic and antiallergic actions, these useful microorganisms are very useful for children and adults.


     As a result of the shortage of bifidus bacteria disbacteriosis occurs in the body, which is successfully treated preparation "Bifidumbakterin." It is a "dry version" of bifidus bacteria. With this preparation, you can even cook biokefir at home. 

     Take cooled to room temperature boiled milk and bottle it into glasses or cups containing 100 g. To each portion, add 2 teaspoons of biokefir purchased at the store. Prepared this way milk must be put in a warm place and withstand a day or two. Remains of the same household kefir can be used for ferment pending 7-10 days. And then again have to use the store version of "seasoning", as domestic fungi have become "old".

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