
     Asia is a homeland of capers. They are appreciated worldwide, because they are not only excellent seasoning, but the medicine.
     Flower buds of this small bush people used since biblical times, collected them all summer. The most valuable buds - small, round and firm. Capers are washed, dried under the sun, and then put them together to cans and conserved with salt, vinegar or salt, dissolved in vegetable oil. In this way they get sour-salty, a little strong flavour. They are well combined with cold collations and second courses of meat and fish. Often they are added to various sauces, including mayonnaise. In Britain, for example, hot sauce with capers traditionally is served with boiled mutton, sometimes - with a fish. This sauce has a spicy taste.
     Capers are used since ancient times as a means of reducing pressure. But they can not be eaten too much, because the capers can cause the feeling of nausea and flatulence. The rind of capers is put on the wounds, washed them with extract: 2 teaspoons dry pounded rind of roots of the capers are filled 250 ml of water, and then are boiled for 15 minutes on a small lamp, allowed to cool, then are filtered. It is believed that this extract also will help to stop the toothache. Capers are rich in vitamin C and routine.
     Interestingly, the famous capers can be replaced by our native nasturtium. Modern science has confirmed the exceptional value of this plant: it is rich in iodine salt, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins C, B1, B2, carotene. Nasturtium also contains plant antibiotics, which makes salad from it an effective tool in cold, influenza. It also enhances immunity. Not in vain for centuries monks in monasteries from early spring until frost added to salads the leaves, stems and flowers of this plant.

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