Apple vinegar

     If physicians attempted to compose the list of all useful acids, it would engage whole page, and even more! Thus, only among the vitamins it is possible to name ascorbic, nicotine, pantothenic, folic, etc. However, since they are nevertheless medicine, they must be dosed very and very thoroughly.  But there are others!  Everyone knows that, for example, citric acid or vinegar must not be measured in milligrams and milliliters - they widely are used in cookery. 

     However among all " edible " acids malic acid occupies special position. This is  the so-called structural (construction) acid, which, being connected up with mineral substances and alkaline elements in organism, plays important role in many biochemical reactions, which take place in our body.  This connection, for example, is necessary during the digestion, and it also contributes to the normalization of blood coagulation and to the formation of red blood corpuscles. Furthermore, it participates in the processes of energy-supply, regeneration of epithelium cells, it contributes to the healing of wounds and to sanitation of vessels.  

     In daily nourishment, generally, fruits, berries and their juices are the source of malic acid for us.  But apple vinegar especially is rich in this useful substance! Just by this reason it found extensive application both in " classical " and in folk medicine. 

     What ailments does apple vinegar help to overcome and how it to use?

1. Chronic fatigue.

       The most widely known (and useful for modern person) property of apple vinegar is the ability to tone up and to strengthen organism.  Especially with the syndrome of chronic fatigue! 

      Treatment " by acetous tonic " is carried out like this:  once a day after food, better in the morning, they drink one glass of boiled water of room temperature, in which one tea spoon of honey, one tea spoon of apple vinegar and one drop of iodine are dissolved. 

 2. Headache. 

      The bath with addition of apple vinegar (1-2 glasses of it, the temperature of water about 36 degrees, duration of procedure about 15 minutes) helps to overcome this trouble. In certain cases moistening with doubly diluted apple vinegar of temples, and also region above the eyebrows and after the ears can bring the easing. 

 3. Skin itch. 

      Apple vinegar possesses the expressed analgesic and antipruritic effect.  Thus, if unfriendly insect bit you, suffice it to apply to the place of bite the napkin, moistened by apple vinegar, and discomfort soon will disappear.  This compress is capable to exert positive influence even with neurodermatitis itch. 

4. Excessive sweating. 

      As some sources assert, suffice it to wipe armpits and feet by the solution of apple vinegar (1,5-2 table spoons per 0,5 l of water) for a while after soul, in order to reduce acidic balance of the skin and to part with annoying problem of excessive sweating for a long time. In addition, if you will wet sponge by the solution of the same concentration and regularly will massage body after aqueous procedures, then after a certain time your skin will pleasantly surprise at its elasticity and velvety. 

 5. Elevated temperature of body.

       We know from little up about acetous sponge down as antipyretic agent.  But many of us miss the fact that exactly apple vinegar is recommended to use for this purpose:  in contrast to the table  vinegar, basic acting substance of which is acetic acid, it does not dry the skin and rarely causes allergy, which is especially important, if you treat children. 

      Certainly, before beginning " acid treatment " without assistance, it is worth to confer with your doctor in attendance.  Although practically there are no contra-indications to the use of apple vinegar (5%-6%), during the erosions of mucous coat of stomach, duodenum and ulcer one should renounce the treatment by it. Furthermore, one should be careful, who suffers gastritis with peracidity. 

      Not entire vinegar is equally useful! 

     The white distilled (table) vinegar (including aromatized by apples) as wine vinegar, contains acetic acid in abundance. Acetic acid is capable of destroying red blood corpuscles and of causing anemia, of slowing down the processes of digestion and of impairing intestinal uptake, it irritates and scorches mucous membranes (even in the small concentrations) and provokes allergic reactions.  Therefore, desiring to be sanitated with the aid of apple vinegar, remember:  only natural 5%-6% product is necessary for you! 


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