
     It truly is the food of gods. Kiwi has a delightful delicate flavor. The flowers are small and look like rose, and the fruits have plush skin and delicate emerald pulp with many small and soft seeds inside. It is indispensable with high blood pressure, diseases of heart, contains many vitamins and helps to lose weight.
     Many people believe that New Zealand is its home country. However, it is not quite so. Kiwi has Eastern origin, and for the first time it started to grow in ancient China. This fruit was imported to New Zealand only in 1906, and just from that moment it began to grow here. Initially it was called «Chinese gooseberry», but later, when the demand for this fruit has increased, it was decided to name it in honor of a national symbol of the country - a small bird kiwi.

     Currently, the kiwifruit is grown in New Zealand, California, western France, Italy and Israel.


     It is believed that the kiwi is ripe, and therefore tasty, if the fruit is becoming a little softer. If by touch the fruit is too soft, then we can say that it is overripe.
     Immature kiwifruits (hard by touch) it is better to put on the table (but that direct sunlight did not fall on them), you can also put them in paper bags together with apples, bananas or pears, so they quickly will ripen. Mature fruits can be kept in the refrigerator from 1 to 2 weeks.
     Most of us know that kiwi contains a lot of vitamins. One fruit contains 1,5 of the minimum daily rate of vitamin C. In addition, the carotene content in the kiwi is higher than in many fruits. Kiwifruit also contains vitamins PP, E, B1 and B2 and a lot of potassium (about 120 mg in the fruit of medium size), magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus.


     The high potassium content makes Kiwis with essential hypertension. A few fruit eaten after nourishing dinner, helps you to get rid of abdominal fullness, heartburn and belching. 

     Not long ago, Norwegian researchers found that kiwifruit can help in the fight against diseases of heart, because he has the ability to burn fats, which block arteries, which reduces the risk of thrombus. 

     Based on their findings, researchers recommend to eat 2-4 kiwi fruit every day.
The effect of such diets, according to Norwegian researchers, have already appeared after 28 days. During this period the risk of trombus reduced by 18% and the level of harmful fatty acids in the blood is reduced by 15%. This means that kiwi can be a useful alternative to aspirin, which is often used for the same purpose.

     If you wish to lose weight ...

     Provided to be, kiwi fruit contains a lot of enzymes, which accelerate the burning of fat and contribute to formation of strengthening collagen fibers (as in papaya, pineapple and fennel). A direct relation between this fact and weight reduction does not exist, but if you're looking for slender figure, you simply need to pay attention to this wonderful fruit. 

     Because even if we forget about burning fat, kiwifruit can be clearly attributed to the dietary products. 

     First, the fruit contains a lot of coarse vegetable cellulose, and, secondly, the sugar content in it is significantly less than in the most fruits. If you're obsessed by the idea of weight loss, you can with a clear conscience and without prejudice to eat a few pieces kiwifruits a day. We need to do so, more than 30 minutes before the main meal, or as a snack (as in the case with other fruits). 

     However, using kiwi, you can organize your favorite day of discharge. Of course, if you do not suffer from diseases of stomach (kiwi is quite sour fruit!). To do this you will need about 1 kg of kiwi fruit to be eaten in 4-5 receptions.

How to eat kiwi? You can peel it and slice or cut in two and spoon up the pulp.
However, kiwifruit can be used not only fresh. They can be added to salads (and not only to fruit salads!), To meat, you can cook jam from them.
Kiwi fruit contains the enzyme, which decomposes proteins. If this enzyme comes to meat, it becomes more soft and delicate.

     And, finally, a ruse. As the Kiwis just begs to use it as a decoration for a cake or as part of the fruit jelly, you need to remember that its enzymes does not blend with gelatin, a jelly from the Kiwis will not be able to set congeal.

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