Harm or benefit does bring milk

  Is milk useful or not?  Disputes on this question do not cease.  Some indicate that this beverage - guarantee of our health, other - that to drink it is useless.  Some assert thatmilk is generally dangerous.  Some nutritionists are assured that milk is useful only for children, but for adults, on the contrary, it is detrimental.  Whom to believe?  Your own organism! If you with the pleasure drink a glass of milk and do not feel discomfort in this case, then drink to one's heart's content.  The main thing, do not forget, that milk is independent dish, and you must drink it separately.  


     So what milk should be bought? Domestic or shop? Let us have a talk about what milk we use and also what to pay attention to it is necessary when you buy it.


Domestic milk


     Without question, a fresh domestic milk is tastiest and most valuable. All vitamins and microelements, useful microflora are preserved in it. Is it feasible to acquire such milk even in a large megapolis.  The practice to buy domestic milk and also cottage cheese and sour cream  from checked milk sellers is extended in many families. Thus, you can be assured that milk is obtained of one farm, but it is not taken from common pot, as this is made in dairy enterprises.  In this case it is very important to select salesman so that his appearance would be responsible, clothing was neat, and the dishes were clean.  After purchasing this milk, nevertheless pasteurize it without fail at home (heat it, and when milk will begin to rise, immediately take from the fire). 


Milk from the store


     But if you prefer to buy milk exclusively in the store, then it is very important to understand, what is the difference between its various forms, for example, pasteurized and sterilized?  As, how many necessary substances will your organism obtain directly depends on the method of heat treatment of milk.


     More than twenty forms of drinkable milk, which are differed in the content of fat, in fillers and in the methods of heat treatment, today are produced by Ukrainian producers. If you don?t know about current technologies of production, it is very easy to be tangled in this variety. Let?s analyze the forms of drinkable milk, frequently encountered in our stores. 


Pasteurized milk

     It is obtained during the process of pasteurization. In other words, milk is heated to the temperature more than 65 °C (without bringing to the boiling point).  As a result the product is disinfected, since the majority of pathogenic bacteria (tubercular, brucellosis, etc.) perish at this temperature. In this case the value of beverage and its initial properties are remained maximally. Therefore period of storage of this milk totals only some days - subject to storage conditions.


     For the preparation of sterilized milk they increase heating temperature to 100 °C and above.  As a result, complete destruction of all microorganisms and their spores, including useful, occurs.  And although vitamins in the time of sterilization partially remain, in the case of usefulness this milk considerably is inferior to pasteurized. But this beverage can be stored considerably longer. 


     Milk of long-term storage

     Contemporary technologies make it possible to obtain milk of long-term storage (or T- milk), which in the closed packing does not get spoilt even at room temperature in the course of six months. The technology of ultrahigh temperatures (heat treatment of milk during several seconds at a temperature above 135 °C) helped producers to conquer souring.  Despite the fact that in this milk there are more useful properties, than in sterilized, for the children's nourishment it is better to select beverage with minimum period of storage.  In turn, T- milk is conveniently used during the journeys, when safety of product comes forward to the foreground. 


Fat content of milk


     On the counters of our stores it is possible to meet milk of different fat content: skimmed (0,5%), 1 %, 1,5% 2,5%, 3,2%, etc. What to select? Gastroenterologists advise to buy 2,5 % milk:  vitamins and calcium are assimilated maximally with such fat content.  If you stick to a diet, select 1 % milk.  But it is not worth while blindly to give credence to advertisement and to buy skim milk:  natural fat is balanced with other substances and helps digestion and valuable assimilation of food.  Milk by fattiness 3,2 % is sufficiently caloric, but do not reject it. This milk is recommended to people with the low weight or those, weakened after disease. 


Milk additives


     Today many producers actively advertise the " vitaminized " milk, for preparation of which milk-vitamin concentrates (vitamins C, A, B and etc.) are added into the raw material after heat treatment.  However, it is more useful for our organism (the more so for the children's) to drink natural milk without the additives, and all necessary vitamins to obtain from fruits and vegetables.  Also memorize, that drinkable milk drinkable milk there must not contain artificial pigments and preservatives! 




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