
     This likable round root crop was known as far back as in ancient Egypt, Persia and Greece, where it arrived from in due time to Europe.  It arrived with triumph:  before the appearance of potatoes precisely it was called the " second bread "! And it is necessary to recognize, completely deservedly. 


     Turnip, which it was possible both to eat in raw form, and to cook by any means, could easily be stored to the following harvest, and for overwhelming majority of population it served as the basic foodstuff; moreover - very medicinal! Sweetish to taste, this unusually rich in mineral substances and vitamins, this distant relative of cabbage and radish served as the basic prophylactic drug of both children's rachitis and " adult " diseases of bones and blood.  


     This is what contemporary researchers write about it: " Turnip possesses the diuretic, antiseptic, antipyretic, wound-healing and anaesthetizing action. It is used during the treatment of gout and salt deposits, it is recommended with different polyneuritis, and it is also used in low-calorie diets for the nourishment of patients, which have obesity and diabetes mellitus.  Furthermore, in any form turnip is one of the most effective drugs for sanitation of bowels.  


     And also, as other plants of the family of crucifers, turnip deserves attention as the drug for prevention of cancer:  indole containing in it and connections related to it don?t only normalize hormonal balance, but also contribute to binding and removal of many known carcinogens from the organism ". 


     One ought not to use turnip only with the aggravation of inflammatory processes in bowels, with acute and chronic hepatites and cholecystitis, or diseases of central nervous system.


     Caloricity 100 g - 28 kcal. 

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