
     This is extremely useful vegetable. Thanks to a large content of trace elements and vitamins it is advisable to use the pumpkin with any cardiovascular diseases, with edemas, anaemia and obesity.

     About pumpkin people already knew more than 5000 years ago, but it remains popular to this day thanks to its edible quality and taste. This giant-vegetable can boldly compete with other species of fruits and vegetables at the content of useful and nutrients.

     When you look at the golden pumpkin, there is a feeling that it had absorbed all the force and energy of the sun and is ready to give it to us. In Orange varieties of pumpkins content of beta-carotene is several times more than in carrots. Pumpkin carotene is a curative, necessary for normal functioning.

     Pumpkin is very helpful with iron deficiency anaemia, as well as contains minerals, taking part in in hematosis (iron, copper, cobalt, zinc). Also, it will do you good to know, that the pumpkin contains many zinc salts, which promote sexual potency. In India, pumpkin is valued for the high content of vitamin E, believing that it prevents ageing.

     Pumpkin - champion of vegetables for iron, copper and fluorine. Its fruits are rich in pectins, sugar, vitamins Group B, C, E, carotene. Cellulose of pumpkin is boiled soft and easily assimilated. Fresh pulp improves the function of the gall bladder, removes inflammatory disease in the bowels. To treat gastritis with increased acidity it is recommended to drink pumpkin juice. In addition, it is one of the best diuretic plants.


     Provided to be, that even a higher temperature caused by bronchitis, could be reduced with the help of pumpkin porridge. Pumpkin juice - also indispensable therapeutic agent with the usual cold: it easies the pain in the throat and enhances immunity. There is another very effective its property - pumpkin juice strengthens tooth enamel, promotes the prevention of caries.

     Pumpkin decoction with honey is not only a pleasant drink, but also a unique contrastimulant for those who suffer from insomnia. One-third a cup of healing tincture overnight calms nerves and gets back a sweet dream. Pumpkin able to solve many skin problems. With the help of pulp can be treated burns and inflammations. Purulent wounds, washed with decoction from the pumpkin flowers, heal faster.

     Pumpkin seeds - favourite delicacy of children, proven drug from helminths. They will help and pregnant women. Those who suffer from toxicosis, it is recommended to eat seeds, and nausea as not happened.

     For all the usefulness of pumpkin, there are some restrictions on its use. You can not eat it so if you're in diabetes, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis with decreased secretion. 

     In order to pumpking did not lose useful properties in the winter time, it's best to keep it in the cellar, but if no such, it is quite suitable glass loggia or cool pantry. The main thing is that the air temperature in the room did not exceed 15 C, but not drop below + 2 ° C. And do not forget that winter pumpkin "does not like" direct sunlight, so if you store it on the loggia, it must be covered with a cloth. Pumpkin pulp mainly used for cooking soups, pies, bread and desserts. Dried or fried pumpkin seeds are used as an addition to salads, dry breakfast or as snacks. Flowers of pumpkin, too, are edible - young inflorescences can be used for cooking salads. 

     Pumpkin - is one of those products, the quality of cooking which strongly influences on the final result. Sometimes dishes from the pumpkin might have a few tasteless, is therefore strongly recommended to add a lot of spices and other more "vivid" to taste vegetables. Pumpkin baking in the oven also enhances its flavor and aroma compared to cooking by steam. 

     Useful substance of pumpkin (per 100 grams): Vitamin E-5, 1 mg, B-carotene - 400 mg, calcium - 450 mg, 43 mg of Vitamin C, Vitamin B1 -0.07 mg, Vitamin B2 - 0.09 mg.


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