
     It is proved, that natural bee's honey is not only a valuable food product, which has dietary properties, but also natural medicines.

     Honey is a mixture of easy digestible carbohydrates and biologically valuable substances, that supply the cells with nutrients during the application of honey or during its local application (for wounds, skin, mucous membrane and the like). Curative effect of honey on the digestive processes are always mentioned, and as a dietary product honey has remained in folk medicine as well as in the arsenal of modern medicine. Modern science has revealed healing properties of honey, farina, propolis, royal jelly, apitoxin and acknowledged their powerful medicines. It was found that of the 24 trace elements contained in human blood, 22 belong to bee products.


     Honey is especially popular due to its high taste and nutritional properties, as well as the availability of its application for treatment at home. One kilogram of honey contains 3150 calories. At the caloric content it is equaled to condensed milk, mutton, beef, veal liver. Nutritional value of 200 g of honey is equal to 450 g of fish oil, walnut 240 g, 350 g of meat. 

     The composition of honey includes about 300 different biologically active substances. It is useful to all healthy and ill people for whom there are no restrictions in the use of carbohydrates. Normal daily dose considered to be 100 - 150 g for adults and 30 - 50 g for children.

     Dietary properties of honey are related to the peculiarities of its chemical composition: monosaccharides, which are readily accessible substrate for cells, high content of fructose, the presence of biologically active substances.

Components of honey: fructose - 38-44%, glucose - 31-36% and water - 17-21%, energy value is approximately 3150-3350 kcal, less than the energy value of sugar (sucrose) - 4000 kcal. But it is more sweet than beet sugar because of fructose, which is 1.7 times sweeter than sucrose (the main component of sugar). Therefore, honey very quickly causes the feeling of satiation, surplus honey causes nausea. Therefore, in spite of mostly carbohydrate composition, honey often is recommended to use in the composition of diets and ration, which ensure reduction in body weight, to reduce appetite and feelings of hunger. Glucose, fructose and other monosaccharides, which account 70% of the mass of honey, are absorbed directly in the digestive tract, beginning with the mouth, as they are not in need of pre-processed by digestive juices. It is also one of the causes of the rapid satiation in the case of the use of honey. 

     The composition of honey includes: sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine ... It is provoked interest and it is mattered that the number of certain mineral salts in the composition of honey is almost the same as in human blood serum (!). Biologically active ingredients (vitamins, amino acids and the like) are also in honey. They promote the normalization of the functions of digestive tract, quickly are absorbed, supply vital organs and tissues with valuable energy and plastic connections. In addition, honey contains stimulants, which improves the body's vital activity, enzymes, major mineral elements and trace elements, hydrogen peroxide, vegetable antibiotics, lysozyme, acetylcholine and the like.


     Honey can be liquid and thick, crystallized. Liquid honey is normally in summer (July - August) during its pumping. After a 1 - 2 months, it crystallizes. So, if in winter or in spring, liquid honey is selled, which means that it has been warmed up or falsified. The exception is the honey from robinia, which has not been crystallizes, and Heather honey, which turns into a jellylike mass. 

     Honey may be different colors: from light to dark with a set of tints. The colors of honey does not play a significant role. The aroma of all types of honey is sweet, from weak to rich, free of any foreign smell. Taste should be sweet without any smack.

     Honey should be kept in a glass or enamelled utensils. The jars with honey are not recommended to keep close by products with a sharp smell, as well as honey rapidly absorbs it; and also in the damp spot. Do not leave the honey in the sunlight, because it is losing in this case, its biological activity. If you want to use liquid honey, it is necessary to heat it on a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 60C.


     For treatment horney should be chosen especially carefully, so collected from different plants, it has varied healing properties. For example, acacia honey is a depressant, chestnut honey - an excellent antiseptic, promotes good blood circulation, has a wholesome effect on the liver and prostate gland. Rapeseed honey gives a high therapeutic effect with varicose ulcers, honey from the dandelion can replace diuretic and purgative drugs. Sage honey is effective for gastrointestinal diseases, contributes to the regulation of menstrual cycle, has diaphoretic effect. White honey is recommended in cold, bronchial asthma, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Honey of yellow acacia (Japanese) strengthens capillary vessels and increases blood coagulability. Apple honey has good effects on the heart muscle. Mint horney has choleretic, sedative, analgetic actions. 

     Please note that the honey collected by bees from one type of plant, is produced in small quantities. More often, you can buy honey collected from several species of plants. 

     Every day, eat this valuable product and be healthy!

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