
     According to historians, mustard - one of the oldest spices. 3000 years ago it was already known in China.
     Today mustard also popular, as thousands years ago. However, unlike in Europe, it began to use in Ukraine only by the end of the XVIII century. The reason is that until that time we really did not have vinegar - an essential ingredient for cooking spices.
     Mustard - annual herbaceous plant cruciferous family. Its seeds contain fatty oils (up to 25%). The leaves are rich in vitamins A, B1, C, B2, PP, calcium and iron salts. The leaves are used for cooking salad, stewed and boiled leaves used as a garnish for meat and fish dishes. Mustard leaves are sold in many European shops and are considered very tasty.

     Particularly useful is the mustard oil - the source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and relieve inflammatory processes. Moreover, it is rich in vitamins A, D (in the mustard oil at 1,5 times more than in sunflower) and E, as well as natural antioxidants, which impede the emergence of cancer, normalize the metabolism, stimulate sexual function and slow the process of organism's aging. Mustard is made on the basis of mustard powder with the addition of vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and spices.
     Good mustard has an acute burning taste, without too much acid and bitter taste, and specific smell, inherent to this plant. Quality product should not have the smell of vinegar. It must be relatively thick, homogeneous consistency.

     Mustard contains:

     Vitamin B1 to work positively affects the muscles, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
     Vitamin B2 stimulates: growth and regeneration of cells and also regulates the exchange of carbohydrates, proteins, fats.
     Vitamin E helps assimilation proteins and fats, is involved in the processes of tissue respiration, improves wounds healing.
     Mustard also contains iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

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