Rowan red

     There are many folk rituals and beliefs, associated with red rowan. This tree is a symbol of family happiness.

     That is why earlier during weddings the tables were decorated with its berries. It is believed that dried branches and bright bunches - perfect decoration for the bedroom. Put some dried twigs in the vase at the bedside of conjugal bed, and your marriage will be long and happy.

     Eating only 10 rowan berries during the day, you will forget about the long headaches, insomnia and high blood pressure. Healers and herbalists say so. People have long appreciated the red rowan as therapeutic agent, first of all as choleretic. Recently, scientists found that many of its "magical" properties associated with high content of sorbite, which lowers the fat content in the liver and cholesterol content in blood. Rough rowan berries help to get rid of avitaminosis. They have vitamins C, D, B2, E, carotene, folic acid, organic acids, sugar, tanning bitter substances, essential oils. Dry and fresh rowan berries are used as vitamins, combined with the nettle and hips. For this, you take the 7 parts of rowan berries and 3 parts of nettle leaves or rowan fruits and pils in equal parts. 1 table spoon of mixture to fill 2 glasses of hot water, to boil for 10 minutes, and then to infuse for 4 hours. You need to drink a half of glass 2-3 times per day. Rowan contains many trace elements, particularly iodine, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and iron - 4 times more than apples. Rowan is used for cooking curative extracts, beverages, tea, jam, jelly, juice. For example, juice from fresh berries is recommended, with the decreased gastric acidity - to 1 teaspoon before eating.
Since rowan berries are rich in iodine, they should be used in certain thyroid diseases and hypertension.

     There is a popular remedy for removing warts. We need to coat them with a mass of a fresh rowan berries, to bandage for the night, but in the morning to wash your skin thoroughly. Such procedures need to repeat 8-10 times. Rowan helps pregnant women to overcome toxicosis. Grind 2 teaspoons of rowan berries with sugar and eat with nausea. But people with low pressure does not need to take a great interest in rowan.


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