About products

Including potatoes in our daily menu, we supply organism with the most necessary, irreplaceable amino acids, in particular with lysine, carbohydrates, mineral substances and vitamins. Only 1 kg of boiled...
This likable round root crop was known as far back as in ancient Egypt, Persia and Greece, where it arrived from in due time to Europe. It arrived with triumph: before the appearance of potatoes precisely it was called...
Apples are always stand high in esteem - you will be satiated, and you will compensate the shortage of vitamins. Use their force for the benefit. Apple - richest source of mineral substances (potassium, phosphorus,...
Apple vinegar
If physicians attempted to compose the list of all useful acids, it would engage whole page, and even more! Thus, only among the vitamins it is possible to name ascorbic, nicotine, pantothenic, folic, etc. However, since they...
What seeds are more useful
Which of the seeds are better - small black or white large seeds of pumpkin ? it requires detailed study from the point of view of nutritionists. BLACK WHITE THE CALORICITY 100 G 540 kcal 580 kcal The...
Harm or benefit does bring milk
Is milk useful or not? Disputes on this question do not cease. Some indicate that this beverage - guarantee of our health, other - that to drink it is useless. Some assert thatmilk is generally dangerous. Some nutritionists...
Myths and reality about freshly made juices
Is you absolutely sure of the fact that the morning (and entire subsequent day) can become good, if we begin it with the glass of freshly made juice? Certainly, all female magazines vying convince you, that this is the best...

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