Lean diet is the best protection against atherosclerosis
Many people do not know how to prevent the disease atherosclerosis, and, most importantly, it is preventable.
Scientists found that the level of cholesterol in blood and industrial cardiovascular system any better medicines. Lenten days have adherents in several times fewer strokes and heart attacks are.
In the body are 150-250 g cholesterol - almost stack oil. One fifth of his comes from animal products. It is not surprising that in the days postnye receptacles relieved afterwards, and vegetarians are no atherosclerosis.
However, to become fully vegetariantsem not sufficiently respected positions, as Chief Rome for centuries, if not religious, in the fitness point of view, there are more vegetables rich in folic acid. She found in the leaves of fresh green plants, cabbage, salad, spinach.
Daily food we receive about 300 ยต g of the substance. However, we need 3 times more to bring in regulations immunity and reduce the risk of vascular heartily. Regular admission folic acid protects the body from thrombosis, stroke, heart attack, helps to prevent atherosclerosis.
In your daily diet should include vitamins B group, normalizuyuschie fat exchange, askorbinovuyu acid necessary for the consolidation of blood vessels, vitamin E, which regulates vascular wall permeability, nicotine acid, a component of some important enzymes,
In your daily diet should include vitamins B group, normalizuyuschie fat exchange, askorbinovuyu acid necessary for the consolidation of blood vessels, vitamin E, which regulates vascular wall permeability, nicotine acid, a component of some important enzymes,
These vitamins are contained in bold varieties of fish, yeast, legumes, curd, limb Rose, Aronia rest.
Daily demand for cholesterol 300 mg. In one egg yolk contains 250 mg of the substance. To avoid perebora, set safe consumption products, especially those rich in substance: egg 2-3 pieces per week, butter-15-20 grams a day, meat or fish-100 was good broth 200 ml - 12 times a week , sugar-30-50 was however not abandon these products is not as not live without cholesterol. But it should be much less than we get from food. It is worth replacing steaks apples. They are rich in iron, like meat, but, unlike him, a vegetable fibre, exempting excess cholesterol from the body. Those who regularly uses apples level in the blood by 10% lower. A smetana and mayonnaise can be substituted fed cheese sauce. For this, you mix 500 g curd skimmed from 0.25 glass of milk and 2 hours PS. Lemon juice.
To prevent atherosclerosis recommended at night to drink green tea, it normalizes cholesterol level.
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