Diet increasing protective force organism
Purpose: To improve the nutritional status of the body, food normalize its status, improve the body's protective force, including immune status, enhanced recovery processes in the affected organ.
General characteristics: high nutrient diet Most of the increase in protein, vitamins, minerals (calcium, iron, etc.), a moderate increase in the quality of fats and carbohydrates.
General characteristics: high nutrient diet Most of the increase in protein, vitamins, minerals (calcium, iron, etc.), a moderate increase in the quality of fats and carbohydrates.
Treatment nutrition: 5-6 times a day
Suggested products and foods:
Bread and flour products. Rye Bread wheat and flour from different milling-thin and ill; Various flour products: cakes, biscuits, cookies, flour, etc.
Soups any.
Meat, poultry, fish. Different kinds of meat, poultry, fish, except for the very fatty, in any cooking; Liver, meat (sausage, ham, sausages), fish products (herring, Balyk, caviar, preserves, abundant, sardines, etc.); Fish seafood.
Dairy products in the full range of possible inclusion and curd cheese.
Eggs in various cooking.
Fat. Melted, vegetable oils, soft margarine (filler), in-kind, ghee for cooking meals, soap.
Cereal variety, but especially Boron and rice, pasta. Legumes, as well razvarennye puree.
Vegetables, fruits, berries in any cooking, but part necessarily raw.
Snacks different, especially deciduous and vegetable salads.
Sweet foods, sweets. Permissible various sweet foods and products, honey.
Sauces: meat, red, mushroom, soup, milk and Egg etc.
Spices and spices in a moderate quantity, but in a broad range, as well as horseradish, Mustard, Ketchup and others.
Drinks. Tea, coffee and natural black with milk, cocoa, fruit juices, berries and vegetables (preferably juices), boiled fruits.
Prohibited food:
a class of fatty meat and poultry, sheep, beef and cooking fats, solid margarine, and acute fatty sauces, cakes and streusel cake with lots of cream.
Sample menu
The first breakfast: fresh cabbage salad with apples with onions, grated potato with cheese, rice porridge with milk and tea.
Second Breakfast: sandwich with cheese, tomato juice.
Lunch: beef broth to the victim with cheese, roast chicken with boiled rice compote.
Lunch: biscuits, fruit juice or boiled fruits.
Dinner: zrazy meat, eggs and stuffed onion, carrot puree, CRAB Buckwheat cereals with curd, tea.
At night: Acidified kefir or other beverages.
Second Breakfast: sandwich with cheese, tomato juice.
Lunch: beef broth to the victim with cheese, roast chicken with boiled rice compote.
Lunch: biscuits, fruit juice or boiled fruits.
Dinner: zrazy meat, eggs and stuffed onion, carrot puree, CRAB Buckwheat cereals with curd, tea.
At night: Acidified kefir or other beverages.
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