Pungent root

     In Russia horseradish was always respected. Our ancestors were well aware of the medicinal properties of the pungent root, that are confirmed by modern research. All parts of the plant has healing properties: the leaves, stem and root. In medicinal purposes only fresh horseradish is used, and not ready spices from a tube or jars. 

     Horse-radish successfully struggles with harmful bacteria. Before its persistent aroma microbes immediately capitulate. Acute taste of horseradish is explained simply: in its composition is burning oil and broadcasting special protein - lysozyme. Lysozyme makes a breach in protein capsules of microbes, thus not allowing them to penetrate into the cells of our body. 

     As a result of scientific experiments it was found that separating from horseradish extract also has anticancer properties and even able to struggle with such terrible diseases as leprosy. Horse-radish is used to obtain peroxidase - enzyme necessary for diagnosing HIV disease. 

     Grinding horseradish, mixed with lemon juice - an excellent natural antibiotic. Consumed it for half an hour before eating, you can get rid of the maxillary sinusitis. Grinding horseradish - an ancient remedy for helminths. Compresses, made from it - an alternative to mustard plaster, and so effective, that treats not only cough, but also chronic bronchitis, as well as radiculitis, pain in muscles and joints. Rinsing by extract of horseradish helps with laryngitis, and pharyngitis. The mask of horseradish with sour cream gets rid of acne. Just remember that you can not use it longer than 3-5 minutes.

     It should be remembered that the essential oils of horseradish can strongly irritate mucous tunics. Therefore, horseradish is contraindicated in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, as well as nephritis.


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